Native American Engagement at UC San Diego

Native American Engagement at UC San Diego

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for taking time to participate in the following survey. We appreciate your assistance helping us capture the history of UC San Diego’s relationship with our Native American communities. You have an opportunity to provide valuable insight that will influence the development of our Native American Academic Excellence Initiative and assist the university in its ongoing commitment to building positive relationships with our local tribal communities.

In the following survey, you will be asked about your knowledge and/or involvement with any engagements between the university and any Native American students or communities. Please complete the form to the best of your ability and feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns or would like to have this discussion face to face. Thank you again for your assistance. We appreciate the effort and the work you do to support Native American students.


Dr. Elena Hood
Director, Intertribal Resource Center
UC San Diego

If you would like to enter another activity, please complete this form and then use the link provided to create a new entry form.