Tritons Belong Grant Proposals
Tritons Belong: Understanding and Compassion in Challenging Times | Grant Proposal Application
Grant Proposal Due Date: Monday, April 1, 2024
The University of California, San Diego Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is soliciting grant proposals for projects that help ensure every Triton feels as if they belong and can fully participate and thrive at the University. The on-going war in the Middle East has taken a toll on the well-being of many in our campus community and challenged our shared values of diversity, inclusion, belonging, empathy, mutual respect, and understanding which we espouse through our Principles of Community. This call is part of a larger campus initiative, Tritons Belong, designed to ensure a University community that is based in the shared values of our Principles of Community – diversity, inclusion, belonging, empathy, mutual respect, and understanding.
Proposed programs should have a high likelihood of sustained impact on improving the climate and experience of our students, staff, and faculty. The aim of this call is to support units and divisions across the enterprise in ensuring a learning, teaching, and living environment that supports everyone’s full participation in the University. We invite proposals that will accomplish one or more of the aims below.
1. Support and advance intergroup dialogue
2. Educate and develop staff, faculty, and students’ skills and abilities in conflict resolution
3. Expand training and education in the area of navigating difficult dialogue in the classroom environment during challenging times
Overall Impact:
Reviewers will evaluate impact of the project on advancing one or more of the programming aims. This funding mechanism will favor proposals that advance UC San Diego’s Principles of Community and demonstrate the potential to further a living, learning, teaching, and research environment where all can fully participate.
Eligibility Criteria:
• Project Leaders/Investigators eligible for mini grants include current faculty, staff, and students from UC San Diego.
• Projects must focus on the UC San Diego campus community
• Proposals must align with and advance UC San Diego’s Principles of Community
• Proposals must address one or more of the stated programming aims
• Because we are interested in timely intervention and education, research studies are NOT eligible. Research that elucidates disparities and inequities, although beneficial, will not be supported through this funding mechanism.
Core Review Criteria: Reviewers will consider each of the review criteria below in the determination of merit, and give a separate score for each.
• Significance. Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to an inclusive and welcoming campus climate? If the aims of the project are achieved, will campus climate, inclusion, and/or support services improve at UC San Diego? Does the project align with the intent of the call for proposals?
• Innovation. Does the application propose solid, evidence-based approaches? Does the proposed project address one or more of the call’s programming aims? Does it advance the Principles of Community?
• Approach. Do the overall strategy, methodology, and activities advance the principles of community? Are overall strategy, methodology, and activities well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the specific aim(s) of the project?
• Sustainability. What is the potential for continued support, beyond the proposal period, from non VC-EDI sources?
• Evaluation. Will the evaluation plan measure the impact of the project and the project’s potential for institutionalization?
• Project Leader. Are the project leaders/investigators and collaborators well suited to implement the project? Have the project leaders/investigators and/or collaborators demonstrated how their background and skills will ensure successful implementation and completion of the proposed project?
• Budget. Is the budget reasonable and well thought out?
Use of Funds:
Funds of $2,500 - $15,000 may be requested. Funds will not be awarded for ongoing work nor for bridge funding. Research proposals are not eligible.
We expect to fund between 5-10 projects, based on merit of submitted applications and available budget.
To apply submit a proposal addressing the review criteria using the form below.
If you have questions about the form, please email us at